Doelgroepgericht programma op IDS 2011

Op 22 maart 2011 start de IDS in Keulen. Het hierna volgende bericht werd door de organisatoren vrijgegeven.


From Speakers’ Corner through to the dentechnica Forum up to the specialist programme for dentists

With the 34th International Dental Show from 22nd to 26th March 2011 Cologne is once again the absolute focus of attention for the international dental world. On the stands of the total of around 1,900 suppliers from 57 countries visitors can inform themselves about the latest innovations, products, processes and services for the dental industry. But the support programme for the world’s leading information and innovation platform for dental medicine and dentistry will have an equally comprehensive as well as informative agenda to offer for all visitor target groups. In this connection, numerous participants at Speakers’ Corner are presenting the latest trends, innovations, products and methods from the research laboratories and diverse exhibitors’ ideas factories on all five days of the fair. On its stand the German Dental Association (Bundeszahnärztekammer - BZÄK) together with partner organizations is offering information and consultation sessions on very diverse themes of relevance to dentists while the Association of German Dental Technicians’ Guilds (Verband der Deutschen Zahntechniker-Innungen - VDZI) is inviting dental technicians to, among others, the 6th dentechnica Forum and the official presentation ceremony for the 13th Gysi Prize competition.

Speakers’ Corner with full programme

The schedule for Speakers’ Corner is tightly packed. In Hall 3.1 in the immediate vicinity of the South Entrance, speakers are reporting on the latest results from the areas of science and research. New products and processes are being presented in a total of around 80 papers. As a result, visitors can expect a full programme – every half hour from 9:30 to 17:00 hrs there is an exciting specialist lecture on every day of the fair.

The theme areas covered by Speakers’ Corner are as diverse as the fair itself. In this connection, themes including implant systems, digitalization, dental aesthetics, laser technology, dental anaesthetics, but also modern stress management possibilities for dentists are being covered. A continually updated overview of the participants along with the themes and data in the lectures is available on the Internet at (The fair / Events).

Comprehensive programme for dentists

The German Dental Association (BZÄK) and its partners are inviting dentists to their stand in Hall 11.2 for experts’ panel discussions, information on all participating partner organizations and of course to a colleagues’ get-together. On the BZÄK stand the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Dentists (KZBV - Kassenzahnärztliche Bundesvereinigung), the German Society for Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (DGZMK  - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde), the Institute of German Dentists (Institut der Deutschen Zahnärzte), Agency for Quality in Dentistry (Zahnärztliche Zentralstelle Qualitätssicherung - IDZ/ZZQ), the German Dentists’ Foundation for Emergency Aid and Support for Lepra and Emergency Regions (Stiftung Hilfswerk Deutscher Zahnärzte für Lepra- und Notgebiete (HDZ), the Association of Dental Hygiene (Verein für Zahnhygiene e.V.), Aktion zahnfreundlich (“dental-friendly campaign”), the Federal Association of Dental Students in Germany (Bundesverband der Zahnmedizinstudenten in Deutschland - BdZM), the Federal Association of Dental Alumni in Germany (Bundesverband der zahnmedizinischen Alumni in Deutschland - BdZA) along with “Zahnärztliche Mitteilungen” dental trade magazine are also all represented.

Among the events planned are information and consultation sessions organized by the individual partner organizations on themes such as for example “GOZ” (analysis of the dental charges structure), “HOZ” (dentists’ remuneration structure calculation grid), “patients’ rights law”, “social commitment”,  “professional ethics”, “electronic dentists’ ID”, “electronic health card”, “paperless invoicing”, “fixed subsidy”, “peri-implantitis”, “CAD/CAM”, “oral mucosa diseases”, “X-ray results”, “salutogenesis”, “hygiene management”, “quality management”, “Dental Health Day” (Tag der Zahngesundheit) along with “Young Dentists Worldwide”. In addition, other features on the stand include health-related discussions on current themes with representatives of the BZÄK and their partners.

6th dentechnica Forum and presentation of the Gysi Prize As an integral part of IDS, the 6th dentechnica Forum organized by the Association of German Dental Technicians’ Guilds (Verband der Deutschen Zahntechniker-Innungen - VDZI), is directed at dental technicians. Here the focus is on specialist dentistry-related themes. For that reason this year’s dentechnica Forum under the heading “Dental technology state-of-the-art – Dental expertise in the master laboratory 2011+” is concerning itself with the question of what characterizes the successful laboratory owner of the future. Outstanding specialist speakers from the dental technology field are closely examining current themes, dentistry, concepts, trends and developments. In this context, the following topics are to be discussed: “Inter-disciplinary expertise. Business card and legitimization of contemporary dental technology”, “Function and aesthetics. ‘The biological model.’ The influences of biology and technology on dental technology”, “’Dental laboratory – Special laboratory’ – How does the special discipline implantology change a laboratory structure” and “Digital dental technology. The latest status and outlook 2011+”.

In addition, on 24th March, the much sought-after gold, silver and bronze medals along with the certificates for the 13th Gysi Prize competition are being presented to the prize-winners in an official prize ceremony. The renowned competition for up-and-coming talent organized by the VDZI is selecting the best dentistry-related works submitted by trainees within the dental technicians’ trade. The entries are to be displayed during the entire duration of the fair on the distribution level between Halls 10 and 11. Not least the VDZI is also on hand on its stand in Hall 11.2 to answer questions on business management, dentists’ fees and matters of professional interest.

proDente Initiative

On 23rd March at 12.00 hrs at the CC East the joint initiative involving the German dental sector, dentists, dental technicians, the dental specialist trade and dental industry is presenting the proDente Journalists Award “Abdruck 2011” (Dental Impression) along with the “2011 proDente Communication Award”.

Information on the support programme at the International Dental Show is also available from the IDS app for iPhone, Backberry and other operating systems. This feature also includes a catalogue and an innovative navigation system, which specifically guides visitors through the halls as well as providing information on restaurant and refreshments options at the fair. The IDS app can be downloaded free of charge via the IDS website at

The IDS (International Dental Show) takes place in Cologne every two years and is organized by the GFDI - Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Dental-Industrie mbH, the commercial enterprise of the Association of German Dental Manufacturers (VDDI), and staged by Koelnmesse GmbH, Cologne.


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